ENT department is equipped with moller wedel operating microscope and carl storz nasal endoscopes, state of art OT complex.


Routine Micro-ear surgeries done are myringotomy, myringotomy with gromet insertion, surgeries for correcting deafness viz. Tympanoplasty, Tympano-Mastoidectomy, Stapedectomy for otosclerosis, all ossiculo- plasties, advanced surgeries viz. Glomus jugaularis tumor surgery,Lateral scull base surgery Endolymphatic sac decompression are done. Choclear Implant will be started shortly.


Apart from routine nasal surgeries, Septoplasty & Septo-Rhino plasty are done.
The OT complex is equipped with Carl Stroz Endonasal Endoscopy which sets up to 00, 300 450 & 700. Nasal Endoscopes are available.
FESS i.e. Functional Endonasal Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries are performed routinely. Trans Nasal DCR (Dacro-cysto-rhinectomy), Extended endonasal surgeries viz. Trans-nasal Endoscopic Surgeries for Pituitary Tumors.


Routine throat surgeries are performed viz. Tonsilectomy, Tonsilectomy with adenoid renewal, Biopsies for different ENT Malignancies & their therapeutic management.
Micro laryngeal Surgery for vocal cord polyps, vocal cord nodules, Surgery for laryngo-tracheal stenosis are done.

Dr. Sameer Deshmukh

Consultant ENT

MS – ENT (Mumbai), DORL, Fellow – Causse Clinic (France)
  • Cochlear Implants
  •  Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
  •  Ear Microsurgery
  •  Endoscopic Nasal Surgery
  •  Nasal Endoscopy
  •  Microlaryngeal Surgery
  •  Cancer Detection & Treatment 

15+ Years

Dr. Varsha ( Gattani ) Indani

Consultant ENT

MBBS (KEM , Mumbai) , M.S.F.N.T (GMC , Nagpur)

  • Otology– Myringoplasty Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, Stapedectomy Cochlear lmplant Surgery.
  • Rhinology – Septoplasty, FESS, DCR, Fungal debridement, JNA excision.
  • Laryngology – Micro laryngeal, Procedures, vocal Cord lesions, Bronchoscopic guided foreign Laryngotracheal Trauma repair, Assited tracheo-tracheal anastomotic surgery.
  • Head & Neak – Tracheostomy, Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy, Thyoidectomy, Parotidectomy, Submandibular gland excision, Supraomohyoid neck Dissection(SOND), Modified Radical Neck Deissection(MRND), Assisted oncosurgeries of Head & Neck

2 Years

Dr. Ramesh Rohiwal

Consultant ENT

MS (ENT), Pune University PGDHHM, Symbiosis Pune

  • Otology
  • Cochlear Implant Surgery
  • Skull Base Surgery
  • Rhinoplasty and Neuo Otology Vertigo Management

15+ Years

Emergency Case

If you need a doctor urgently outside of Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital's OPD hours, call our 24 hour emergency appointment number +91 0240- 2478400, 2478500, 2478600 for immediate assistance.

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Our Doctors are contributing immensely towards spreading the message of prevention and cure, to generate public awareness on common health issues.

Mobile Number

+91 240- 2478500
+91 240- 2478600
+91 789 789 9292

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Contact Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital


Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital A-1, A-2, MIDC, Chikalthana, Airport Road, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar - 431006 Maharashtra, India.



