Patient Facilities
- 40 full time consultants of various specialities and super specialities
- OPD Timinigs: Monday to Saturday 9 am to 5.30 pm
- No separate internal referring charges from one speciality to other speciality
- Diagnostics services like Pathology, Radiology, Endospcoy, Cardiology on a single floor
- Supportive services of Dietician and Physiotherapy, Optometry & audiology.
- Health checkup packages for different age groups
- In house Canteen facility
- High class hospitality, hygiene and housekeeping
24 hrs Services
- 24 hrs Ambulance Service
- 24 hrs Emergency Service
- 24 hrs Blood Bank Service
- 24 hrs Diagnostic Services
- 24 hrs In house Pharmacy Services
- Round the Clock qualified and experienced doctors and para medical staff.
- 24 hrs Trauma Team available to treat all types of Industrial, Mass casualties and Road Accidents.

Room facilities

- Privacy, pantry with refrigerator,Study table,
- Attendant bed,
- Attached toilet
- CTV,
- Telephone

- 24 Hours central monitoring
- 2:1 nursing ratio
- Separate cubicles
- Centralized Air Conditioning
- Oxygen & Suction

- Separate wing
- Attendants bed
- Attached toilet

- Free Stay (No bed charges)
- Separate Male Ward
- Female ward
- Waiting area
Semi-Private (Twin Sharing)

Emergency Case
If you need a doctor urgently outside of Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital's OPD hours, call our 24 hour emergency appointment number +91 0240- 2478400, 2478500, 2478600 for immediate assistance.
Know Your Doctors
Our Doctors are contributing immensely towards spreading the message of prevention and cure, to generate public awareness on common health issues.